By the word of the Lord one of the sons of the prophets said to his companion, “Strike me with your weapon,” but the man refused. 1 Kings 20.35
What would you have done? It must have been a dramatic moment in both men's lives. The prophet's command seemed, strange and unreasonable and was refused. However, because of the refusal the man lost his life in an unusual way. A lion killed him.
The key phrase in the verse is, "By the word of the Lord". The weird request was a direct command from God. It was an extreme disguise that confused and disturbed the prophets companion. However, when he decided not to obey he was disobeying God and paid with his life.
What if God dealt with us like this today? Disobey or die. Or does He. Hummm. When I disobey God does a part of me die? I think so.
I know that you have felt it. Or maybe not. If not you're in dangerous water. So to speak. You know what God wants you to do but you don't do it. Whether its something scary, difficult or just plain weird in your eyes, you just decide not to proceed. Even though you know that the "still small voice" is saying you should.
When you say, "no" you are "quenching the Spirit". The situation seems strange to you and your senses shut down your spiritual guidance system. In that act you use your eyes of flesh to guide you in the "sensible" way. A sensible way is one that we can, see, feel or physically experience with one of our five senses.
God's way is so very often different isn't it. It has men "striking" another man with a sword. Quite an extreme to create a disguise don't you think? Well you are wrong.
In the above case God was angry at king Ahab for not destroying an enemy. God had won a battle to demonstrate His power and Ahab had dismissed the victory by making an alliance with the foe. Bad move. When the prophet came asking his companion to strike him it wasn't a weird request it was one of God's exclamation point.
Don't miss God's exclamation points. You die when you do. Really!
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