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Showing posts from April, 2007

Eating is good...

A fundamental doctrine of the Baptist church is that of potluck (though we cringe at the use of the word "Luck" we all understand the term). Whenever there is food at church there is seldom a dissenting vote cast. Potluck is a staple of our faith. All kidding aside, there are many many examples of Jesus using a meal to teach great truths to His disciples and others (it is an interesting Bible study). Ever participate in the Lord’s Supper? Yesterday, at Hope, we tried something a bit different. We had a "Fifth Sunday Fellowship". Each month with five Sundays this year we will have our regular morning activities. It is in the afternoon that we've changed the routine. Shortly after choir practice concludes we all gathered for lunch. Yesterday's meal was: baked chicken, rice, beans, and salad, with various desserts. It was good! A meal has a way of bringing people together. The fellowship seems sweeter over supper doesn't it? Our church folk need more sweet ...

One More Step

We recently had puppies! Five furry fluff balls were born just two weeks ago and they are growing in such a way that leads us to believe that Sheba crossed with a St. Bernard. We know that she didn’t because we have seen few St. Bernards since our arrival ten years ago. The puppies are, however, growing quickly. Of course one of their days equals one of our weeks, doesn’t it? Lately they are beginning to take steps. Looking like little old men and little old ladies they wobble, stagger, and drop their way from one side of their box to the other. Unlike little old people we know that their time of running and jumping is yet ahead. They are learning to walk one step at a time. This is similar to church growth. It happens gradually. Though I often want to see instant results it doesn’t happen that way. We take our first wobbly steps then fall flat on our face. We get up and try again only to take another nosedive. Praise the Lord our church has never really taken a stumble. We continue st...

In with the new!

Our building has been in a state of transition for the last few months. We have put a new look on the front with a new facade and new doors. Just a couple of weeks ago we received a gift for a new sign (21'x9')from dad and mom Koch. When it all came together this last week it was a thing of beauty. The sign says Igreja (Church), Batista (Baptist), Esperança (Hope). Um igreja basiada na Palavra de Deus. (A church based on the Word of God). The night view shot is a bit blurry but it was a really neat view. The new look has already called attention to itself. During our working hours we had several people comment and one car stopped in the middle of the street to ask about when our services were. If you've been here you know that stopping on our street is dangerous because of all of the cars that pass (10,000 in an 8 hour period!). Sunday morning we had a family visit. So, I'm excited to see what other results our new look will have in the coming weeks. We praise the Lord ...

What! Abby's 16? Impossible...

Do you remember when you were growing up and some long lost relative would visit your parents; someone who hadn't seen you in "forever" saying "I can't believe that you are THAT old! Or it was the proverbial, "Why, I remember you when you were just a baby!" That's the way that I felt yesterday as Abby turned sweet sixteen. At times, in my minds eye, I try to imagine what things will be like when I'm ____ years old and my kids and grand kids are _______ years old. I can remember doing that when Abby was only three and we made our first visit to Brazil in 1994. The future was ominous then; not necessarily in a bad way but full of as yet unrealized adventures and blessings. Now, Abby's sixteenth year is in the history books (though she just "turned" sixteen, she is in reality actually beginning her seventeenth year, I knew you knew that)and she, mom, and I have been in ministry here in Brazil for a little over ten years. We have been ...


Friday the 13th was a "lucky" day for Sheba. She began to pant and cry at about 9:45 am and began to give birth at 10:00. She finished at 1:00 pm with five lovable puppies (2 boys 3 girls). Want one?

Daughter and dog...

About six months ago we discovered that Ann was pregnant and were very excited for she and Jackson. We will have babies on this side and that of the Atlantic. We weren't prepared for that news and we we were even less prepared for the news that our little dog is pregnant. To date we have spent more on the dog than on Annie (don't tell her... Ann that is). Ann has yet to discover whether her baby is a boy or girl. Both ultrasound images were inconclusive. Though I did some further investigation of my own and was startled with what I found. to me it looks as if the baby is definitely a boy and has some resemblance from both sides of the family. Take a look for yourself and let me know what you think.


Soon to change! With the year speeding on (seemingly faster than in past years) we are looking forward to the plaster man's arrival. Altemir will begin to demonstrate his plaster prowess next Monday; turning this barn like structure into a church. I know all of the theological ramifications of that last statement but you know what I mean. Our building (where the church meets) is lovely in the basement and ugly in the upstairs. We want to move our tiny (45 to 50) group of believers into new digs (upstairs) and open up the front so that people passing by will stop by for a visit. We have had many say, "We didn't even know that there was a church on this street!" We want to take away that excuse. Pray for us as we attempt to bring the construction phase of Hope to a pleasing close. We had a good turn out for all of our evangelistic efforts yesterday. Our breakfast, Sunday school, and evening services were well attended. This Friday will see the second of our monthly ...

Easter 2007

This week has been distinguished by many blessings. The Easter week is of course our privilege as we remember the Power of the Gospel demonstrated in the death, burial, and resurrection, of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I will be preaching on that blessed event tomorrow from 1 Corinthians 15. Pray with us for souls saved. This week too has been bringing healing to my surgered arm. Is surgered a word? Anyway I am even now with my keyboard propped up on one side of my chair so as to get a “non-hurting” angle for my left arm. I’m progressing! I didn’t want to imagine two months of the hunt and peck method of communication. On Tuesday Ed and I made a visit on a young lady and her mother. Naomi had visited several weeks earlier and works so much that it was difficult to get a visit in. Both she and her mother had some good questions though she left us with the understand that she is searching for a certain feeling before she will be able to “fit into” the church. Ed explained that faith...

What a Week!

It started early Monday morning at the hospital and ended with me leading games at Youth Group (Dawn didn't like that). It actually seemed like a short week with the one day hospital stay and the day of "recoup". We had a pastor's get-together on Friday with all of the local pastors participating. Saturday we had Teacher's training with four different classes. And then Youth Group. It was fun! Sunday morning Carlinhos taught the memory verse for the first time! He's growing. In fact he brought his brother Walter to Prayer Meeting in Wednesday. He says that Walter has seen such a difference in Carlinhos, that he wants to know what happened. So, Carlinhos has offered him a Bible study! In the top picture, Abby tries to catch a cheese-it in her mouth without using her hands, as part of the team challenge games we had on Saturday night. In the other pic, pastor Davi is taunting my father-in-law with a big juicy steak, that he was cooking at the pastoral get togeth...