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Showing posts from May, 2021

A Letter from pastor Geoff Stiekes

Hello Friends and Family in Christ, I believe that it's easier to pray for someone when you have had a connection with them in life and especially in ministry. But if you are anything like me, you still feel disconnected from others when they are outside of your own personal ministry. In fact, find that when pray for others in their ministry, I tend to picture their ministry either much like my own with many of the same situations and scenarios or else I piece together what think their ministry looks like from the bits of information that I have been given about their ministry. am writing to you because we have that connection in life and in ministry. want to paint a broader picture of what my ministry is like to give you a better understanding of how you can pray and help a fellow brother in Christ and the Christian family that He serves. For my Family in Christ out east, yes, I serve in a church ministry in California and yes, pretty much everything that you have heard about Cali...


  Being with friends is fun. They often think like you and want the same things that you want. Conversation is easy and interesting because, it's between friends. A friend will help you when others won't. To have family as friends is wonderful and rich. Rich is the man who has a full quiver. We are with family and friends even now. There is no arguing or quibbling.  Its not that there cannot be any disagreements between friends and family. Because there can be. It's just that true friends and loving family will find a way to resolve all differeces. It might not be total agreement but a squabble will not divide friends.  There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. That friend is Jesus Christ. He is a friend like no other. He knows everything about me and yet he still loves me. He gave his all so that I can become a true friend too. Without Jesus as a friend, I cannot know what friendship truly is. When I know him more intimately I will know more about how to love o...

Taking A Tree Down

I took Scout for a walk today. We did several blocks worth in Center Line MI. It is a pretty little town. I was walking with purpose because we have a bid on a house. The house is a three bedroom one bathroom with a nice sized yard and a two car garage.  As we made our way back to the kids place I passed an amazingly manicured yard. Ron and his wife love plants and trees. Their yard has won local recognition for being one of the most beautiful in the city. Living in Michigan where 9 months of the year is too cold to grow stuff, it is really amazing what this couple have done.  Today is a big day at their house. They are having a huge tree removed that has littered their yard with debris for years. A huge crane is coming in just a few minutes and will undo something that began decades ago. The work crew will probably spend a couple of hours to extract the monolith.  Our life can be like this tree in a way. Psalm 1 says that a just man is like a healthy tree by a flowing ri...

Who Owns Your Nose?

When a person is talking about their future in Brazil, you may hear them say, "I'm the owner of my nose!" To an American, it sounds both obvious and weird. What is this person saying?  They are saying something like, "I'm in charge of my destiny!" We might say, "I don't let anyone tell me what to do!"  I hope that this is not the way that you think. If you are a Godchild, then you know what Paul told the Corinthian's in  1 Corinthians 7:4 The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have control over his own body but yields it to his wife. In our day of mixed-up thinking, yielding our supposed rights to anyone is offensive. Most today would blow off the grand Apostle's advice as chauvinist. Equal rights or no rights is the slogan of the day.  However, an Internet search about successful marriages reveals that over half end in divorce. Most recently, both Mr. and M...

Priscila and Aquila

Do you feel a debt of gratitude to this couple? If not, you should. Look at what Paul says about this dear family in Romans 16:4, They risked their lives for me. Not only I but all the churches of the Gentiles are grateful to them. They are mentioned four times in Acts 18 and in final greetings in Romans 16, 1 Corinthians 16 and 2 Timothy 4. They were the original tent makers. Paul worked with them for a while. The had been driven out of Rome by Claudius Ceasar because they were Jews. They traveled with Paul to Ephesus and they helped Apolos understand the gospel according to Jesus.  This couple was instrumental in helping you to know Christ! Paul was helped by them to the point that they almost lost their lives. If Paul had been killed then you would be toast. There would be no Gentile believers these days. Or at least not many.  This couple that has little ink in the New Testament was used in an amazing way by God. Thank you Priscila and Aquila! 

Don't send emojis

I am noticing a trend these days that is very annoying. Haha. It is that of sending emojis. Someone asks for prayer and the praying hands start flying. Some loses a loved one and the crying eyes emoji flies to comfort and help. Even as I am typing out this devo emojis are being suggested.  A missionary friend asked for financial help to buy a piece of land for a new church. He no sooner had sent his request to our pastors group than a kneeling figure was the relpy. As if the sender would be in prayer and fasting until the need was met. I know better.  Emojis are fun and I use them too. It's just that it is so much easier to look spiritual than it is to put those praying hands to work.  Paul often told his converts that he was praying for them night and day. He told the Philippian believers that he always remembered them with joy. He ended his Roman letter proving his personal knowledge of those believers by naming several.  So pray for someone. Just don't send emojis...

Ussured into the Savior's Presence

So sad to hear that he was ushered into the presence of the Savior  I recently heard these words, or saw them written in a text, about someone who had recently died. I understand the sentiment to a certain degree but I was really stunned by what this veteran missionary was saying.  We spend our lives telling about the sweetness of being with Jesus. We imagine how it will be and we comfort others who have lost loved ones by telling them how eternally wonderful it will be. Then we are sad to see someone go there.  I know I know. I'm being ridiculous. But I was really appalled. Sorry. 

Blown Away

 Psalm 147:4  He determines the number of the stars; he gives to all of them their names.  I prayed this verse to my heavenly Father this morning, and it blew me away. It is one short and relatively simple sentence. Fifteens English words and but five in Hebrew, yet it blew me away! "What's the big deal?" you ask. The big deal is what this sentence means. The first thought that came to my puny mind was, "What? He names ALL of the stars?!" How long would that take?  So, I asked Google, "How long would it take to count to a billion, one second for each number?" Talk about a dumb question! I known, "There are no dumb questions." O really? Ask your kid's teacher. Or your wife, for that matter! The answer came back, "One billion seconds. DUH!" The "DUH" part wasn't there, but I know that Google was thinking that.  Of course, what I meant to say was, "How long would it take, counting at a rate of one second per numb...

It's All About Attitude!

"I don't give a __________!" and you fill in the blank. You have said that haven't you? Whether the missing word is "hoot" or worse. I have. I have never gone so far as to use the "worse" comments, but the feeling has come close at times. It seems that at a real high spiritual moment, where I think that I am about to turn a corner upward, "BLAMO!" out of my mouth comes some of the weirdest words.  They are not cussing words, or swear words, or explicative. They just aren't spiritually edifying words. They are words that would be better left unsaid. Why is that? I believe that I am making progress in my spiritual walk. I'm turning a corner, pressing toward the mark, marking 40 days of progress! Then plop. On my spiritual nose, I go.  There is a key to this puzzle. It seems almost too easy. It can't work. Can it? Pretty much.  The fix is found in the Bible of all places. The Bible is a great place to get "key" informat...

Faithful Faith Encourages

Romans 1:12 that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith. Does your faith encourage someone to have more faith? It should be that way, you know? Faith demonstrated can, and should be, contagious.  I remember years ago as a teen, a new teen entered our youth group one summer. This person was quiet but spiritual. I could see her faith by what she did and in the little that she said.  She read her Bible with much attention and she prayed with a certain fervency that left me wanting what she had. She only stayed in our group for a few weeks but she left an impression on my young Christian life.  That is the way that our faith should affect others. What we do and say should have an impact on those around us. Helping them to become more spiritual and faithful. This type of behavior is not to impress others by forced spirituality but to allow the Holy Spirit to work his work through us.  You can start doing this today! 

All Over the world

Have you ever noticed the similar theme of Jesus' words in Matthew 24:14 and Paul's words in Romans 1:3? If not, here they are. Matthew 24:14 And this Gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. Matthew 24:14 Romans 1:8 First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you because your faith is being reported all over the world. Do you see the similarity? Jesus last words in Matthew are found in the following verses, Matthew 28:18 Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Some see the "preaching/sharing the Gospel" theme in these verses as very significant concerning end-time event...

Longing to Look Angels

 We think of perfect when we think of heaven. At least I do. 1 Peter 1:12 tells us that angels really want to look into the workings of the salvation process, but it seems to be a mystery to them. Isn't that interesting? Those perfectly created beings are lacking in understanding of how Christ saves sinners like you and me.  Ephesians 3:10 says that the angels will be shown the amazing grace of God in salvation through the ages of eternity. Hebrews 1:14 says that those same angels serve the saved. So they have a part in our lives but can't quite figure out how we are or should be saved.  Isn't that our question too? How can God save such as I? Like the author of the Great hymn 'Amazing Grace' emphasized, Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I'm found, was blind but now I see.  So amazing in fact, that it will take eternity to explain. 

Fair and Faithful

The LORD is fair in all his ways and faithful in everything he does. Psalm 145:17 Fairness and faithfulness are two qualities absent in today’s world. We want them and need them but they are nowhere to be found. Pastors cheat on their wives. Politicians are liars. Teachers are abused and abusive. Husbands and wives neglect their families. Friends lie to friends.  Paul warned us about these days. Way back then he called them the “last days”. We’re there now.  The LORD remains fair and faithful in everything he does. Frightening for some and comforting for others. God’s fairness demands justice. His justice demands punishment for injustice. That punishment is a harsh hell.  In his fairness he made a way for unfair people like you and me to enter into his faithful care. Jesus was once asked a question by his disciple Thomas, "Lord, we don't know where you're going. So how can we know the way?" Jesus’ reply echoes through the ages as a beacon of faithfulness, "I am t...

Too Much Self is Stupid!

Listen to this verse from 2 Corinthians 10:12, For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.  I highlighted the “selves”. Did you notice. This verse struck me between the eyes.  I have liked myself most of my life. I get proper sleep. I eat three squares a day. I rest. I play when I want to. I get satisfaction when someone notices my good efforts and when they send me birthday greetings on facebook. I think that I’m cute. Well, OK maybe not so cute any more. But ... ah forget it.  Self seems to play a major role in my life. I’ve heard the sermons titled, “It’s NOT about YOU!” and I know that the preacher had good intentions but he doesn't know me. If he did he might think that it was. About me that is.  MIKE! What are you babbling about? My word. You are being an IDIOT!! That is EXACTLY what Paul is saying here....

The Missionary Thing

"I wish I could get into this Missionary Thing!" I have heard this statement a number of times during my missionary career. People say it in feigned jest. Especially when they see something special happening to missionaries. Tonight for instance a friend loaned us his brand new Chrysler Sebring. Or how about this one, Someone once gave us $10,000. I think that the "Missionary Thing" statement is a reaction to perceived preferential treatment. Granted, I had never receive $10,000 in a lump sum offering until I became a missionary. I had never had anyone give me a car, house, apartment, computer, airline ticket and myriad other things until I became a missionary.  Being a missionary does have it's definite benefits. One of the biggest of those being that we get to do what Paul did. Paul was able to recount his story to perhaps thousands before his death at the hands of Nero. We are still feeling the after-shock of his message. Paul's is that Christ-like exampl...

Heavy Clouds

How much does a cloud weigh? I think dumb stuff like this all of the time. I thought it was dumb until I read Job 26.8, “He binds up the waters in his thick clouds, and the cloud is not split open under them.” So, of course I Googled my question, “How much does a cloud weigh?” The first site I looked at had this quote, “A giant thunderhead may contain more than two billion pounds of water, but even a modest-sized cloud may contain water equivalent to the mass of a 747 jet.  Two billion pounds is a lot. How can we get a grip on 2,000,000,000 pounds? Google... again. Rounded off you could put 447 Space Shuttles on the scales and it’d weigh two billion pounds. That seems excessive. So, let’s look at the little cloud. It weighs in at a mere 800,000 lbs. That is the weight of a fully loaded for flight 747 jet. You won't want to drop that little puffball on your toe either! Clouds are everywhere. Generally we ignore them. We might think about them if we’re jogging and about to get soake...

I don't want to write!

Writer's block is something that happens when an author doesn't think they have something to say. I believe that it has to do with a lack of focus. Because there is always something to be said.  Today for example a baby was born. His name is Quinton. He is beginning life when many think that the end of the world is near. Little Quinton weighed in at 8 lbs and 2 ounces of handsome. Little caring about Eschatology. His idea of bliss is mommy's breast. His goal is to eat and sleep. He doesn't know that he is a little sinner who needs Jesus. He will one day come to that understanding. At least if mommy and daddy have anything to say about the subject.  One day he may even become a missionary to Brazil. That is where his daddy is from and where his paternal grandparents live. None of them know the good news of salvation. Wouldn't it be wonderful if Quinton was used to help his extended family come to Christ?  Well here I go putting my thoughts into his freshly projected ...

Transcontinental Travels

We just came in from Brazil and are a little bit jetlagged. Imagine if Paul had that capability? You read about his travels, and it seemed like he never stopped. Though Paul did spend time in certain cities and with specific groups of people, he was an incredible traveler. He not only traveled, but he also changed world history with his gospel sharing. It's not the same today. It’s not like the message has changed because it hasn't. It's just that missionaries have changed. Travels these days are so easy. Most missionaries that I know travel mostly to see kids or grandchildren. Even with instant communication via social media, it doesn't matter to most. We want to be with family. These days there is no urgency for the most part. At least I haven't seen it. Do we need to be urgent? These days are dark, and God's work is ongoing. He still uses people to spread the word. If these are the last days, maybe this is the “love of many waxing cold” about which Paul talke...

Missionary Trips

We just came in from Brazil and are a little bit jetlag. Imagine if Paul had that capability? You read about his travels and it seemed like he never stopped. Though he did spend time in certain cities and with certain groups of people he was an incredible traveler. He not only traveled he changed world history with his gospel sharing. It's not the same today. Its not like the message has changed, because it hasn't. It's just that missionaries have changed. Travels these days are so easy. Most missionaries that I know travel mostly to see kids or grandchildren. Even with instant communication via social media, it doesn't matter to most. We want to be with family. These days there is no urgency for the most part. At least I haven't seen it. Do we need to be urgent? These days are dark and God's work is ongoing. He still uses people to spread the word. If these are the last days, then maybe this is the love of many waxing cold that Paul talked about. 

Sleeping in Church

Acts 20 tells all of our stories in a way. Eutychus, a young man who happened to be sitting in a third-story window listening to the preacher, falls into a deep sleep and then falls out the window. Eutychus would have found his name on that plaque of those who died in the service.  Luke, in recounting the event, states that Paul preached on and on. Thus indicating that Paul's message was quite lengthy. So, maybe Utychus had a good reason to fall asleep. Whatever the reason Paul quickly came to the rescue and raised the lad from the dead.  The lesson for us preachers is that we need not be offended when someone nods during our sermon. We're excited to tell what we've learned but people need to be helped to listen to what we have to say. If someone dies during our message we will NOT BE ABLE to do what the Apostle Paul did. So, help your people to sleep at home, not at church! 

Faith Shield

Ephesians 6:16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Roman Soldiers had two different types of shields; a short one and a long one. Each had a specific purpose. The Word that Paul uses (1xNT) in this verse is the tall rectangle version. In combat, this type of shield would cover most of the body because it was a meter-twenty in length. They were made of planks and covered with leather that was often soaked in water to resist fire arrows and other firey objects thrown at them. Some of these objects were covered in pitch so that the fire would continue to burn well after it hit its target. The water helped extinguish these blazes. We are studying spiritual and not physical armor, and we have looked at: The truth belt, Which represents the truth found in Jesus Christ and his Word. Without these, we cannot go into battle without tripping over our other protective gear. We studied the breastplate of righte...

Two Houses Two Finalities

Years ago, during the construction of one of our churches, we discovered that the site had a spring running under it. It was twenty-one feet down but would necessitate a lot of extra support to be a stable construction. We had to sink thirty-two concrete columns to secure the firm foundation. We spent a lot of money on a part of the building that, to this day, no one has ever seen.  In Matthew seven, at the end of his Sermon on the Mount Jesus left the crowd with a short story that must have left them scratching their collective heads. What did this story of the two houses have to do with anything that had preceded it? But that was the conclusion of Jesus' longest recorded message.  So, what was it all about? In fact, Jesus says what he meant at the end of the story. Those who hear my words and practice them are like a house built on a strong foundation. Those who don't listen and obey are like the house built on sand. The storms of life come on both types of houses. When they...

Write Your Story

Luke was quite a doctor and an author. His writings outlasted his medical practice. I was reading in his work this morning, The Acts of the Apostles; what a story! Luke did his homework. He researched everything thing from Jesus' intimate talk with his disciples just before his ascension to Paul renting a place in Rome while waiting for his trial. All of this research with no Google. My word, what a fantastic effort.  His books are not fiction but are the most critical historical accomplishment of all time. They tell of the Savior and his legacy, called the church. Without these two books, our literary past would be imperfect. His is the only Church History that we have from eyewitness sources. We see the incredible expansion of the church from a tiny group in an upper room to the ends of the world. If you are reading this and have ever heard of Creator God and his Son Jesus Christ, you connect back to what happened in Luke chapter two in Jerusalem.  Think about that and write...

Slapping the Savior

Meanwhile, the high priest questioned Jesus about his disciples and his teaching. "I have spoken openly to the world," Jesus replied. "I always taught in synagogues or at the temple, where all the Jews come together. I said nothing in secret. Why question me? Ask those who heard me. Surely they know what I said." When Jesus said this, one of the officials nearby slapped him in the face. "Is this the way you answer the high priest?" he demanded. (John 18:19-22)  Here we are with Jesus before his persecutors. They have tried for years to find a way to kill him but have never been able to do so. In their desperation, they call for a middle-of-the-night trial, which is never a good thing. They try to find witnesses who will give them a reason to do their dirty work, yet they found none. As they near the conclusion of their trumped-up charges, there is the above exchange.  When Jesus replies to the question, He gets slapped by one of the officials nearby for hi...

If your tooth offends you, pull it out!

So, missionary work isn't always preaching, Bible studies, and message prep. I currently find myself at the dentist with a lady from our church. She will get the majority of her teeth pulled today so that her smile isn't so holey. This lady has had the worst pumpkin smile for years and today is the grande extraction day.  However, we not only got to be here for that event, but we also got to use someone else's investment in our ministry to pay for the repairs. Dental surgery is something that our friend would never have had the money to do. Yet God let us be here to help. At times It is a special blessing being a missionary.  Isn't this how God's grace works? He rescues lifeless people; he then gives them life. With that life comes new responsibilities to other rescued dead people. All of his work is for one, and only one purpose, to bring Himself glory. That is what Paul explains in his letter to the church at Ephesus.  When Jesus raised Lazarus, he did it to demon...

Good News Shoes

Ephesians summary -  The blessings of God in Christ are salvation by grace through faith and that there is no difference between Jews and gentiles. Thus, holiness, not paganism, becomes the new way of life for both Jew and Gentile. That new way brings new responsibilities and the need for protective armor for the constant spiritual battle with evil. So far we've studied two pieces of that armor, the truth belt which is the truth found in Jesus Christ and his word. These are essential to our defense from satanic attacks. There is also the breastplate of righteousness, which is a righteous character that can only be practiced by Holy Spirit-controlled believers in Christ. We looked at two texts which explained some of those character qualities in Ephesians 4 and 2 Peter 1.  I handed out a small card with those scriptures so that you would have reference to them. There were two aspects that needed to take place in practicing the new character, we must remove the old man and his w...


  Luke 23:24 So Pilate decided to grant their demand. This critical moment came after hours of back and forth between the religious leaders, the crowd, and even Pilate and Herod. After this, there would be no turning back. It was the moment when the death blow was forged. Or was it?  Each time I read this description of Jesus Passion week, I want to have Pilate act like a leader of the Roman army should have. I want him to call in the troops to quell the fervor of this tragic moment. However, my "easy solution" to this seemingly slippery slope event comes from watching too many Hollywood productions where the superhero comes to the rescue.  I forget which Avengers movie it is where the heroes have saved the city from extinction but have wreaked tremendous havoc during the battle. Afterward, they are denounced and banned from further rescue efforts. Their "good deed" turned out ugly, and their salvation brought destruction and unnecessary death.  In Jesus' judgme...

Dead Bodies and Vultures

Luke 17:37 "Where, Lord?" they asked. He replied, "Where there is a dead body, there the vultures will gather." What is going on with this apocalyptic response? Luke 17 is the Matthew 24 of Luke's book. If you don't know what I mean, read Matthew 24. There are a couple of strange responses in this chapter. Verse 32 is another one. Jesus says Luke 17:32 Remember Lot's wife! Apocalyptic Literature is very different. Visions, monsters, heavenly and hellish scenes are not uncommon. In Luke 17:20 - 37, Jesus is asked about when the kingdom is going to come. He then goes on to give Pharisees a seeming mystical reply. The kingdom's arrival isn't something that could be observed. It was in their midst.  Jesus then turns to his men and tells them how both he and they will suffer in the coming days. The society of Noah's day and Sodom's destruction comes into the explanation. Instant flight from the city is urged. Then the statement, "remember...


How do you handle rejection? As a kid, it was my worst nightmare. I like to be accepted. I hate to be rejected. I feel rejected when I'm rejected.  Jesus was rejected. Isaiah says that he was "despised and rejected." That is even worse than just rejected. He was the most despised person in History. Weird when you think about it. He who when he spoke the crowd marveled, was totally rejected.  On His homecoming, in a town of 300, the people listened as he read from the Word. He was handed the Isaiah scroll. He opened it to the exact spot for the moment and read. He read of the Messiah, and he stopped just before the "Judgement" part. As he rolled it up, he said something that didn't win him any "acceptance" points. "This day, this scripture is fulfilled in your ears." He could have said just about anything else and not been troubled. However, when he said that, the people were livid with rage! "This carpenter man, this son of Mary, thi...

Two Measures

For by the grace given to me, I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned. Romans 12:3  Did you see the two measures here? Look again. "For by the grace given to me" and "according to the measure of faith." Both grace and faith are given in measures.  Let's define terms first. Grace is God's favor. Faith is complete trust or confidence in someone or something. Both are fundamental to God's plan for you. In this verse, we see that grace is given. The tense used for the word "given" is vital, as are all aspects and details of God's Word. The tense is an aorist passive. The Aorist tense is like a snapshot of a past action. A freeze-frame. The passive with the aorist tense indicates a past action taken on the subject by an outside source or individual ( So, Paul says that the grace, God...

Worm Saver!

 At least one of my three daughters is a worm saver. She takes after her dad! She probably learned the weird practice from me! What is a worm saver? You know the smell, and you have seen the catastrophe after a hard rain. You leave your house and smell worms! As you cross the pavement, you see them sprawled all over the place. Wet worms. Why are they there? How on earth, pun intended, did they get in the middle of the KMart parking lot??  The reasons don't matter to me. The fact that they are there is cause for concern. Don't tell anyone, but what I do next might turn your stomach. I reach down, gently pick them up, and remove them to the nearest dirt, garden, or grass patch. WHY? I'm a worm saver. So is my daughter.  In Romans 12:8d, Paul says, "he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness." He is listing some of the spiritual gifts. I am not sure how cheerful I am as I practice my good Samaritan act on the Lumbricina. But it is a merciful act to none but the one I save...


Unibody is a word very familiar in automotive circles. It came into existence as cars went from bodies on frames to bodies welded together with as the frame. Its advantages or disadvantages are still a subject of dispute. In Christian life, unibody is not an option. We are one body in Christ. But, what does that mean? At salvation, we enter the spiritual body of Christ. In Romans 12:3 and 4, Paul speaks of this phenomenon, and in 1 Corinthians 12, he goes into more detail. In 1 Corinthians 12:13, Paul says that "... we were all baptized by one Spirit to form one body...". My baptism came when I was nine. Pastor C. Frank Mills did the honors in an old galvanized tank that was part of the First Baptist Church of Lake Orion, Michigan. I wore a white gown and was baptized along with Gary Bartley. I had participated in at least a couple of "baptism classes." However, what happened that day in 1962 was not my unibody experience. That experience took place on October 30, 1...